Grassroots Awards Pack for Clubs and Leagues
Recognise the people making a difference!
There is so much to celebrate in Wiltshire football, please join us in promoting the Charlton Baker Excellence Awards and FA Grassroots Awards so we can recognise those people who are making a difference.
We want to thank our incredible volunteers, who inspire us all. Please ask your members to nominate the person who behaves with fairness and integrity, the fun, safe and inclusive environments where you enjoy football. The coaches, referees and volunteers who encourage the best, in both themselves and everyone around them. The people who have risen to overcome challenges and the people who make a truly positive impact in their community, we want to reward them!
We have developed a pack to help support Clubs and Leagues get nominations. You can...
Use your social media channels to promote the Awards to your followers.
Suggested Post: (Remember to tag us in!)
Is there a Grassroots Hero in our Club?
We want to celebrate all the positive work in our Club, please nominate us for a Wiltshire FA & Charlton Baker or an England Football Grassroots Award!
#GrassrootsHeroes #KeepShining
Graphic Assets:
Club Pack: V1 - Do you enjoy playing football at our Club? Do we make a difference? Nominate us.
Club Pack: V2 - Should we be recognised for disability football? Nominate us.
Club Pack: V3 - Do you know someone at our Club who deserves recognition? Nominate us.
Club Pack: V4 - We offer inclusive football. Nominate us for a community award. Nominate us.
Club Pack: V5 - Who should be recognised for being the best they can be? Nominate us.
Club Pack: V6 - Are we your Wildcats Centre of the year? Nominate us.
Club Pack: V7 - Does our club encourage people to look after their health? Nominate us.
Club Pack: V8 - Is our club making steps to positively address climate change? Nominate us.
Club Pack: V9 - Does our club provide excellent standards of safeguarding? Nominate us.
EFGA24Carousel1,2,3 and 4 - It only takes a moment, to say thanks, but the good feeling, can last a lifetime.
EFGA24 - Who works hard to make football happen?
Send a WhatsApp message to your managers and ask them to share with their teams.
Suggested message:
Wiltshire FA has just launched the Charlton Baker Grassroots Football Awards alongside the England Football Grassroots Awards.
We want to celebrate all the positive work in our Club, please nominate your Grassroots Hero.Nominate here -
Display a poster at your site to help drive nominations.
Display the poster with QR code so people can easily access the nominations portal.
Does your club demonstrate how they are using football to benefit people, wildlife and the climate, now and for the future?
Nominate your club for the Sustainable Club of the Year Award.
Do you stock iPRO? Have you taken the iPRO Pledge? Do you talk about mental health?
Does your club look after the physical health and mental health of players?
Nominate your club for the Healthy Club of the Year Award.
Do you pride yourself on your approach to Safeguarding? Does everyone in your club know who they can talk to if they have any concerns?
Nominate your club for the Welfare Officer of the Year Award.