Grants & Funding

investing for the future

From building a new facility to buying a new kit, developing the game takes money.

Working in partnership with the Football Foundation, Sport England, Local Authorities and partner organisations, we aim to highlight the funding opportunities available to the football community within Wiltshire.

Where you're looking to create a new team, retain existing ones, purchase new equipment for your club, develop your coaches, renovate a facility or develop a new one, we're here to support you through the process and offer guidance and support.

If you are intending to improve your football facilities (which may involve 3G football turf pitches, changing room pavilions / clubhouses, grass pitch improvements or better indoor / outdoor spaces) please contact Lyndon Taylor on 01793 486047 or via email at so that we can provide advise and guidance.

Following this, you may be asked to complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) form which can be found here.

Please note if you have already started work on your project (for example, building / construction has already begun), then it is unlikely that your project will be eligible for funding.

get in touch

pitch improvement programme & Aeration service

Our Pitch Improvement Programme is a focused programme that aim to help organisations improve the quality of their natural turf (grass) pitches football pitches.

There are a number of operational models throughout the County in relation to how football pitches are managed and maintained. To maximise the potential of this programme, 'buy in' is needed from the football club using the facility and those who are responsible for the maintenance of the pitches.

find out more

Pitch Improvement Programme