Player registration
You can now register your players online via the FA Whole Game System
As part of a commitment by the FA and County FAs to improve the administration experience for grassroots football volunteers, player registration has been introduced to the Whole Game System.
Registering your players online will reduce the workload for the football volunteer workforce, make player records more secure, ensure a more efficient and robust discipline process and provide your club with better player information to help you plan for the future.
Here's how it works:
- Leagues set up their online registration requirements in the Whole Game System
- Clubs are able to match their player records between Full-Time and the Whole Game System
- Players not already in Full-Time can be searched and added to your club in the Whole Game System
- Clubs create a player list and sort those players into teams
- Clubs then submit their player registrations to the league via the Whole Game System
- Leagues review and approve the online registration information
- The information is then integrated with Full-Time providing clubs with a view of their players in both systems
Interested in knowing more? Get in touch with a member of our team.No, the process is that a club searches for a player first on Whole Game System and then if they cannot find a match, the club can create the new record for the player
Where a club does identify a duplicated player, you should advise your County FA of the details of the duplicates so they can use the standard de-duplication process to tidy up the records
There may be a number of reasons why players already have records on Whole Game System – they may have been added in the past through the discipline process, or may have FAN records through England Supporters, or may have been added due to a role with a club, league, as a referee or through a qualification.