Ramsbury Bore Hole

Ramsbury Football Club Install Water Borehole

Installation will irrigate pitches in an environmentally-friendly way.

Ramsbury Recreation Ground Committee, in partnership with Ramsbury Estates and Ramsbury Manor Estate Trustees, have installed a water borehole at Ramsbury Recreation Ground.

This is a fantastic step which will be of huge benefit to Ramsbury Football Club, wider sports, and the environment.

Ramsbury Bore HoleA water borehole serves a similar purpose to a well, essentially retrieving water from natural sources underground. In turn, the water borehole will enable the pitches at Ramsbury Recreation Ground to be naturally irrigated, with the entire process incredibly environmentally friendly and cost effective. 

As a result of the water borehole installation, there will be no need to utilise a mains water resource, with Ramsbury Football Club intending to purchase the water tractor that will be used to efficiently keep their pitches irrigated throughout the season. It will also ensure that coaches have no need to keep the pitches hosed during periods of little/no rain, or high heat.

Wiltshire FA is incredibly pleased, and proud, to see this measure taken by one of our grassroots clubs. Through our campaign, The Good Game, we continue to encourage our clubs and facilities to be mindful of the impact they have, or can have, when it comes to climate change.

We’re committed to making Green Lane Playing Fields an environmentally friendly football facility, as we acknowledge the desperate need to address climate change. Through The Good Game, we will continue to encourage our members to join us in taking small steps to positively address climate change.

Together, we can work towards a better planet. Click here to learn more about The Good Game.