Creative Challenge
We need your help to create some impactful artwork to feature at Green Lane Playing Fields to educate and support our members with our important messages.
We’re calling out to our community to ask for your creative contribution to encourage a respectful, fun and safe football environment for all.
All you have to do is come up with an inspiring design that demonstrates our important safeguarding messages using paints, pastels, pens or pencils.
The winning designs will be displayed at Green Lane Playing Fields and across Wiltshire FA’s digital platforms.
The challenge
Create a design which demonstrates our #ShootShoutShare message - We want to make football safe and believe everyone should feel confident and safe to share their thoughts and concerns.
Shoot – Be Brave. Believe in yourself and shoot for your goals
Shout – Be Bold. Speak up and stay safe
Share – Be You. Be confident, your voice matters
Pick a message and design something that grabs attention!
Make people think, make people smile and send us your best ideas!
Send entries to by Friday 28th August 2020.
Good Luck!
the details
- Entries must be sent to
- We must receive entries for the competition by Friday 28th August 2020. If shortlisted we may require the actual artwork
- When taking a photo of your artwork to send us, please make sure you use natural lighting. Dark or unnatural light can result in distorted image/colour appearance
- We aim to inform winners within 21 days
- All entrants must be under 19 years old and should ask permission from a parent or guardian before entering
- Winning artwork will be displayed in a Wiltshire FA branded ‘empty belly’ poster at Green Lane Playing Fields and across Wiltshire FA digital platforms
- Wiltshire FA reserves the right to cancel the competition at any time, if deemed necessary