Coach Education Update
Wiltshire FA will no longer deliver Coach Education courses moving forward (this includes FA Level 1, FA Level 2, Safeguarding & Emergency Aid) – and all postponed courses throughout the period of the pandemic have now been cancelled.
Learners have been contacted directly to notify them of this decision, and as such will be able to claim a refund.
We are committed to supporting those learners who are ‘in-flight’ – meaning they are part way through a course, this includes:
Level 1 @ RWB
Level 2 @ Stanley Park
Level 2 @ Lydiard Park Academy
These learners have been notified of our intention, and we hope to complete their learning before 31st December 2020. There is also a small number of UEFA B learners that we will support to completion. Given the pandemic, there are considerable amounts of extra measures that are to be put in place to conclude this learning.
During the interim period, and in terms of ensuring you/your coaches are qualified for the forthcoming season;
- All new coaches should access the FA Playmaker course in the interim period – it can be found here and is free of charge. This course also has Safeguarding & First Aid modules.
- All coaches wishing to renew their safeguarding should complete the recertification online – it can be found here and is free of charge.
- There is also an ‘Safeguarding for All’ qualification that can be accessed here to help further educate new volunteers on this important area of work.
- All coaches whose IFAiF has expired between the 1 February 2020 and 31 July 2021 will have an extension applied on their FAN records through until 31 July 2021. Communication will have been sent directly in the week commencing Monday 3rd August.
- Alongside this – all those involved in youth football should work with their club welfare officer to ensure they have a validated CRC check.
FA Education will take over responsibility of all Coach Education delivery from 2021, and as such all courses will be available in their new format from March 2021.
Referee Courses will remain with Wiltshire FA.
Wiltshire FA will create and deliver an enhanced CPD programme to support coaches locally with their learning between and away from courses, and this will become available in due course.
We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause you – but encourage you to follow the interim measures and enrol learners on to new courses at the earliest opportunities. All club secretaries will be notified by us, as soon as the new courses/new formats are live.
Thank you for all the extra effort you are putting in to keep football moving during these difficult times, it is very much appreciated.