We are Planting Trees
As part of our ambition to make Green Lane Playing Fields an environmentally conscious site, we are planting trees to celebrate ‘The Queen’s Green Canopy’ and ‘Greening Devizes'.
Planting trees at our facility will benefit people, wildlife and climate, now and for the future.
To help us plant our new trees we are inviting some of our local community to join us and show their commitment to nature. The event will take place on:
Thursday 8 December, 10am - 12pm at Green Lane Playing Fields.
Together we can change behaviour and inspire and empower the local community to improve the environment.
Join our tree sponsors!
Do you want to show your support?
We are proud to be making small changes to reduce our environmental impact and you can support us to address climate change.
Show your commitment to nature and come along to our planting event and sponsor one of our trees!
Email Marketing@WiltshireFA.com to find out more.
Let's make a positive impact together.