Guidance for Use of Shin Pads in Grassroots Football
The FA has issued its latest guidance on the use of shin pads in grassroots football, which Wiltshire FA is keen to reiterate to our local grassroots football community.
Safety is a key consideration for our game, and the Laws of the Game state that shin guards/pads are a compulsory piece of equipment.
Shin pads play an important role in injury prevention, as they are intended to protect the shin from injury. The amount of shin physically covered is an important consideration, as any part of the shin that is not covered is not as well protected.
‘Micro’ or ‘mini’ shin pads may therefore increase the risk of injury, due to the smaller amount of shin covered, compared to larger sized shin pads.
We advise that, when considering the protection offered by shin pads, that safety is prioritised by ensuring a good proportion of the shin area is covered, and therefore protected.
The materials used are also an important factor. Always look for a CE mark, which means the shin pads achieve minimum standards.
We suggest that shin pads not carrying such a mark should not be worn, as they may present an increased risk of injury to players.
Please give these protection levels serious consideration when deciding what is right for you or for your child.